I think that I made a very good decision by choosing this course as an elective because I learned a lot of new things in this lesson which I would probably not be able to learn in any of my other lessons. This course took me all the way back to my childhood and I got a chance to look at my whole life from a whole new perspective.
While writing this blog, I mainly summarized what we have learned in our lessons and I also added some comments and mentioned the things I found interesting. Also by writing this blog, I got used to studying and reviewing what we have learned every week.
Child development is very fun to learn and I think every human being should know about this. So my journey as a psychology student ends here and now I am going back to my boring life as an economics student :)
9 Ocak 2011 Pazar
The last lesson
In our very last lesson of the year, we talked about parenting and gender. First we started with parenting and talked about discipline and said that there are three ways: assertion of parental power, withdrawal of love and induction. Then we talked about the parenting styles and said that based on the level of warmth and control, they can be neglectful, indulgent, authoritarian or authoritative. We said that authoritative is the most beneficial for children.

Later we started talking about gender. We discussed why the terms “gender” and “sex” can be seen different and said that gender is more cultural and sex is biological. We added that there are some gender roles in which boys and girls are enforced to do some specific things.

Then we talked about the development of gender and the theories of gender differences.
1) Gender identity (age 2)
2) Gender stability (age 4) - there is recognition that one’s gender is a permanent feature.
3) Gender constancy (age 5) - there is recognition that one’s gender remains constant despite physical change.
Theories of gender differences:
1) Evolutionary theories:
Males and females have different types of mating strategies.
While talking about this topic in class we said that people want to be with people who have good genes and resources and later learned about the George Clooney effect. I thought it was very interesting.

2) Social Cognitive Theory
3) Gender Schema Theory
Lastly we talked about individual sex schemes. According to femininity and masculinity we can say that a person is masculine, feminine, undifferentiated or androgynous. We talked about the Bem Sex Role Inventory and I was very curious and I wanted to see my score and I scored the highest on feminine. You can use this link to see your score too:

Later we started talking about gender. We discussed why the terms “gender” and “sex” can be seen different and said that gender is more cultural and sex is biological. We added that there are some gender roles in which boys and girls are enforced to do some specific things.

Then we talked about the development of gender and the theories of gender differences.
1) Gender identity (age 2)
2) Gender stability (age 4) - there is recognition that one’s gender is a permanent feature.
3) Gender constancy (age 5) - there is recognition that one’s gender remains constant despite physical change.
Theories of gender differences:
1) Evolutionary theories:
Males and females have different types of mating strategies.
While talking about this topic in class we said that people want to be with people who have good genes and resources and later learned about the George Clooney effect. I thought it was very interesting.

2) Social Cognitive Theory
3) Gender Schema Theory
Lastly we talked about individual sex schemes. According to femininity and masculinity we can say that a person is masculine, feminine, undifferentiated or androgynous. We talked about the Bem Sex Role Inventory and I was very curious and I wanted to see my score and I scored the highest on feminine. You can use this link to see your score too:
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